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MulchHorse is the brainchild of Collin and Elizabeth.
Graduates of Vassar College, we lead a life devoted to the radical idea of "yes, and".
For those who don't know, "yes, and" means saying "yes, and" to everything.
We direct and stage manage all our own shows.
Please consider donating to our Kickstarter.
Our Team
MulchHorse is Collin Knopp-Schwyn and Elizabeth Fetterolf. Folks we've toiled and played with include Ariel Atlas, Carly Katz, Jake Namaroff, Joe DeGrand, Krista Zamurs, Landry Levine, Lexi Karas, Lukas Sarnow, Malcolm Xavier, Mallory Tyler, Michelle Noguera, Mike Fracentese, Nadja Leonhard-Hooper, Nora Kaye, Patrick Dunning, and Talia Feldberg.
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